
Showing posts from August, 2020

Placement Day by Terri Rimmer


Fuchsia by Terri Rimmer

 The last time I saw you hangs in the form of a dress on my bedroom door. Dec. 2018 - your high school graduation. The last time I saw your face, spoke to you, if you can call it that, though we didn't really have a conversation because you were (are) still mad at me, justifiably so since I broke your trust - something I swore I would never do. The fucshia dress I wore to your winter graduation still hangs there as a symbol of loss, memories, embarrassment, regret, hope, (your middle name), and hopelessness. I can't put it away for two reasons - my closet in the master bedroom has an underground water leak so there's a horrible damp smell there. And my two closets in the spare room are full. But I don't really want to put it away. Though it has been gathering dust, I keep it there as a reminder of when we last saw each other, that I got to see you graduate from high school after all you went through with your health for sixteen years, when, I believe, God chose to heal ...

My Birth Daughter's 20th Birthday Letter by Terri Rimmer

Aug. 5, 2020 Dear McKenna: On Aug. 15 you'll turn 20 which doesn't seem possible at all, much like everything that has happened this year has seemed that way. When I think and reflect upon the last 20 years and compare them to some of my fellow birth moms who also went through Gladney with me, our stories are different, yet the same. Some went on to have other kids and be single moms, successful, or get married. One went on to get married and have a big family. One got married, had more kids, and sees her kids frequently. Ashley, the one who made your baby blanket you went home in, got married, had a son, and reunited with her birth daughter at Christmas for the first time. As you start your sophomore year of college, I am in awe of who you have become these 20 years.  When I was getting ready to do the same thing, I was attending what is now the University of West Georgia, moving into Downs Hall and my roommate was this polished girl named Robin. My friends and I in the dorm u...