Recovery Journey - Part 2 of 3

By Terri Rimmer In the fall of 1985 I started my sophomore year of college and then my drinking really escalated. The newspaper staff of which I was a part of really took me in . They were big drinkers, as I had said, so I went to all their parties. I was a staff writer and felt included for the first time in my life. I was still having problems with a new roommate but it didn't matter what all the problems I was having with my family, roommate; etc. because I could blot it all out with alcohol. My friends in the dorm and I would make strawberry daquiris, watch "Saturday Night Live" and play Trivial Pursuit sometimes on the weekends and go steal food. I had no moral compass. My mom and step dad would never let me come home on the weekends like all the other classmates' parents did and to numb that pain I would drink. I got more and more submerged with the newspaper staff and their drinking lifestyle that I lost myself completely. It became my whole identity...